Band Applications Open for 2025 Concerts in the Park Series
The City of Santa Barbara Parks and Recreation Department is seeking musical acts for the annual summer concert series, Concerts in the Park. The free, family-friendly summer tradition has brought a range of musical entertainment to Chase Palm Park since its inception in 2000 and has brought thousands of attendees to the park each year.
The concert series will include four Thursday night concerts scheduled for July 3, 10, 17, and 24.
Musical acts that would like to be considered must submit an online application by Wednesday, March 12. Bands must be able to demonstrate their experience playing for large crowds, provide a 90-minute sample setlist, and links to past performances. The selected bands will be notified in April, and the official line-up will be released in June.
To apply, visit the Concerts in the Park webpage at SantaBarbaraCA.gov/Concerts.