First Large-Scale Trail Volunteer Day Announced After Heavy Winter Storms
The City of Santa Barbara Parks and Recreation Department is looking to recruit up to 75 volunteers for the first large-scale trail volunteer day following the winter storms that left many of the area’s trails badly damaged. Volunteers of all experience levels are invited to attend the event to learn about trail restoration while helping to address the impacts of the heavy rains, including trail washouts, erosion, slides, and downed trees.
The trail volunteer day is scheduled for Saturday, April 15, from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Skofield Park. The event is being held in partnership with Santa Barbara County, US Forest Service, Montecito Trails Foundation, Los Padres Forest Association, and SAGE Trail Alliance. Volunteers will gather for a safety orientation and instruction before tackling work on Rattlesnake Canyon Trail, Tunnel Connector Trail, Hot Springs Trail, and Bud Girard Trail. The event will wrap up with a group barbecue and giveaways for volunteers from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.
No special experience is required to volunteer. Tools and instructions will be provided, and tasks will be assigned based on experience. Work will include repairing and regrading trails and clearing overgrown brush and branches to ensure trails are safe and accessible for all users.
Local agencies and trail groups have seen an increased interest in volunteer trail work since the winter storms. “Volunteers play a critical role in getting our trails quickly restored after a major weather event like this,” said Steve Biddle, Parks Supervisor for the City of Santa Barbara’s open space parks, who is coordinating the event. “We know people are eager to help, and we’re hoping this means a big turnout on April 15th.” Volunteering is a great way for members of the public to learn more about what it takes to maintain a trail and how to help keep them in good condition.
RSVPs are required to attend the volunteer event. To sign up, contact Steve Biddle at SBiddle@SantaBarbaraCA.gov or (805) 564-5439.
Local companies interested in donating snacks, drinks, giveaways, or raffle prizes for volunteers are invited to contact Steve Biddle to coordinate.
Learn more about the event at SantaBarbaraCA.gov/TrailWork