Kids World Playground and Trees

Kids World Playground to Close for Overhead Tree Pruning

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Kids' World Playground in Alameda Park will be closed on Tuesday, December 6 and Wednesday, December 7 for pruning of the overhead Moreton Bay Fig. The City's Urban Forestry team will also begin deep watering and mulching the tree to maintain and improve the tree's health. 

While the tree is in fair health, staff are taking proactive measures to improve the tree's overall vigor. Mulching will help significantly reduce the rate of evapotranspiration, the process by which water evaporates from the soil. The mulch will also help to accelerate nutrient cycling, the process by which organic material breaks down and works back into the soil, increasing organic matter over time, alleviating compaction, and increasing beneficial microbial activity.

These plant health care initiatives aim to keep the tree healthy for continued enjoyment by visitors of the park and the playground.