Established in 1930, Ortega Park has long served as a cultural and social hub for Santa Barbara’s Eastside neighborhood. In June of 2018, after ongoing community requests to see the park revitalized for local families, the City of Santa Barbara began outreach to understand the community’s vision for the future of Ortega Park.
The revitalization plan for Ortega Park was developed in partnership with over 500 community members through over 20 public meetings to identify priorities for the future park, including public art, improved aquatics facilities, dedicated community gathering areas, a revitalized play space, an improved basketball court, a skate/multi-wheel park, and a sports field that could be used year-round. The project will also enhance access and parking along Ortega and Salsipuedes Streets. The renewal of Ortega Park aims to provide safe and beautiful facilities while honoring and maintaining the rich history and vibrant culture of the Eastside neighborhood.
Funding for the project to date includes $1,390,000 in City funds and $146,690 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. The City is actively seeking grant funds to support project construction costs of $20 million.