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Todas las sedes de la Biblioteca Pública de Santa Bárbara estarán cerradas el lunes, 31 de marzo en conmemoración del Día de César Chávez.
East Beach stretches from Stearns Wharf to the City limits just past the Clark Estate, on the eastern end of the four-mile stretch of City beach parks. East Beach offers picnic facilities, more than a dozen volleyball courts, a playground, and beautiful ocean views.
Dogs are not allowed on East Beach.
The City of Santa Barbara currently has two beach wheelchairs (one manual and one motorized) available to the public and visitors free of charge, seven days a week during regular operational hours. Beach wheelchairs are located at the Cabrillo Pavilion at East Beach.
Requests for the wheelchair can be made online at the link below. For help please call Cabrillo Pavilion staff at (805) 897-2616. Completion of a liability waiver and identification is required for reservations.
The beach wheelchairs were funded by a grant from the California State Coastal Conservancy in 2019.
Santa Barbara is situated along the California Coastal Trail - a network of trails along California’s coast intended to provide use and enjoyment for walkers, bikers, equestrian riders, and wheelchair users, as well as connect coastal communities. Currently, 60 percent of the trail is complete, covering over 700 miles of California’s coastline. Within Santa Barbara, the trail includes over six miles of paved multi-use paths adjacent to some of Santa Barbara’s most popular beaches, dirt trails through open space parks, and amazing vistas of the Santa Barbara Channel and offshore islands. Users will experience the coastal breeze and enjoy sounds of the waves, while also noticing the bustling and thriving community nearly 90,000 people call home.
Download our free audio tour files and explore the coast like never before. They are provided in MP3 format and are compatible with most devices. The printable Santa Barbara Coastal Trail Map directs you to 11 stops as you listen to the stories that helped transform Santa Barbara's coast. Watch this video to learn more.
Maps, podcasts and video were funded in part by the California State Coastal Conservancy through the "Explore the Coast" grant program.
620 Laguna Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
(805) 564-5418
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